Benefits of Full Pastured Meat
Pastured Meat
Pastured meat is the name given to meat that is grown solely from grassland. Ruminants are the Mammals that nature has specially adapted to thrive on an all grass diet. They have three extra stomachs to digest the tough cellulose fibres that grass is built from. The first and largest stomach is named the RUMEN. It is actually a biofermenter vessel where millions of microbes make a living for themselves and in the process turn the tough grass into sugars and proteins.
Grass- So Good They Eat it Twice
A number of days after being eaten, ruminants calmely regurgitate the food from the Rumen back to their mouth, chew it and swallow it again. This time it by-passes the Rumen and goes to the Abomasum or true stomach, small intestine and liver where the sugars and proteins are digested, absobed and reassembled.
Environmental Benefits of Pastured Meat
There are huge parts of the planet where high cellulose plants are natural and which cannot and should not be cultivated. These pastoral areas still provide vital nutrients for humans through the good offices of the rumen microbes and their hosts, the ruminant mammals, cattle, goats, sheep and deer. In the process, excreta from ruminants recycles plant nutrients, envigorates soil microbes, accumulates soil Carbon and sustains the habitat. A consumer who chooses pastured meat is casting their vote in support of all this goodness.
Health Benefits of Pastured Meat
Meat from wholely pastured animals offers you more "good" fats, and fewer "bad" fats. They are richer than grain fed meats in Omega3s, CLAs, antioxidants; vitamins E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. Furthermore, they do not contain added hormones, antibiotics or other drugs. Wholely pastured meat is highly sought after by top performing athletes and followers of crossfit training and Paleodiets.
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I am interested to know how long this farm has been established under the name "Nickaree". I am tracing family and I have a Death Record for William Roach, who died: Nickaree, Wexford - 1867
This is the most satisfying stew I have ever had!! Love it! Just tried it last night. I really love the coconut milk, it really made the dish unique.
<a href="">Jayme Silv
I am definitely trying this! That imaginary person at the beginning of your post? Totally me. I work four ten-hour days so I can have 3-day weekends to work on my blog, and by the time I walk in the d
Very tasty looking! I do love cilantro, but I have heard that some people have an aversion to it. Love your photo!
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